Course curriculum

    1. Lesson: Build Teams

    2. Introduction: Build Teams

    3. Reflection: Build Teams

    4. Exercise: Build Teams

    5. Exercise: Company Purpose Statement

    1. Lesson: Teams and Teamwork

    2. Reading: Teams and Teamwork

    3. Reflection: Significance of the Team's Work

    4. Exercise: Significance of the Team's Work

    5. Introduction: Commitment to Team

    6. Poster: Commitment to Team

    7. Poster Instruction: Commitment to Team

    1. Lesson: Create a Purpose Statement

    2. Reading: Team Purpose

    3. Exercise: 5 Why's

    4. Exercise: 5 Why's

    5. Exercise: Elevator Speech

    6. Poster: Team Purpose

    7. Poster Instruction: Team Purpose

    1. Lesson: Intentionally Manage Team Values

    2. Reading: Team Values

    3. Reflection: Team Values in Practice

    4. Exercise: Team Values in Practice

    5. Poster: Team Values

    6. Poster Instruction: Team Values

    1. Lesson: Team Strategy, Standards, and Success

    2. Reading: Strategy, Standards, and Success

    3. Reflection: Clear Objectives and Measuring Success

    4. Exercise: Clear Objectives and Measuring Success

    5. Poster: One of One

    6. Poster Instruction: One of One

    1. Lesson: Team Structure

    2. Reading: Team Structure

    3. Poster: Team Structure

    4. Poster Instructions: Team Structure

    5. Reflection: Team Job Description

    6. Poster: Team Job Description

    7. Poster Instruction: Team Job Description

    8. Reflection: The Linking Pin

    9. Poster: The Linking Pin

    10. Poster Instruction: The Linking Pin

About this course

  • 60 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Transform the way you build teams